Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are below and by clicking a question, the answer will scroll down to explain the relevant section.

  • What is Credit?

    “Credit” is the privilege to use the financial means of another party. When you apply to any financial institution for a loan, mortgage or credit card, you need to provide evidence of the ability to repay, and a history of repaying past credit. You can get better terms with lower interest rates if you have good credit ratings, but with a poor credit rating, you may not get credit at any price. Building a good credit record is important to achieve many desirable goals, such as homeownership, vehicle financing, and various forms of wealth building.

  • Why is Your Credit Score So Important to get a mortgage?

    A credit score is a measurement of your creditworthiness. Scores are calculated by the major credit-rating agencies–Experian, TransUnion and Equifax–based on your credit history and can greatly influence the terms under which you can borrow money, including in the form of a loan to purchase a home. Borrowers with higher credit scores generally qualify for mortgages with favorable terms, while those with lower scores usually face higher rates of interest.

  • What is Credit Repair?

    Credit repair is the process of cleaning up inaccuracies on your credit report, removing wrong or inaccurate information, protect your identity and become more informed on your credit issues. If you repair your credit file, it is likely your credit score will improve, and thereby will obtain better interest rates and save money.

  • Can I Fix My Credit Myself?

    YES YOU CAN, but do you have the time, knowledge and resources to do it? You can repair the transmission in your car yourself as well but many of us don’t have the expertise to do so. Why not have a professional in your corner to help you?

  • Different Types Of Mortgages

    Fixed Rate Mortgages:

    A mortgage in which the interest rate remains the same throughout the entire life of the loan is a fixed rate mortgage. The interest rate doesn’t change for a predetermined amount of time. These mortgages are the most popular ones in that almost 75% of all home loans are fixed rate mortgage. They usually come in terms of 30, 15, or 10 years.

    The biggest advantage of having a fixed rate mortgage is that the homeowner knows exactly when the interest and principal payments will be for the length of the loan. This allows the homeowner to budget easier because they know that the interest rate will never change for the duration of the loan.

    Not only are fixed rate mortgages the most popular of home loans, but they are also the most predictable. The rate that is agreed upon in the beginning is the rate that will be charged for the entire life of the mortgage. The homeowner can also budget because the monthly payments remain the same throughout the entire length of the loan. When rates are high and the homeowner acquires a fixed rate mortgage, the homeowner is able to refinance when the rates go down. However, the interest rates of fixed rate mortgages are higher than the interest rates on other types of loans, so the monthly payments are usually higher. If the interest rates go down and the homeowner wants to refinance, the closing costs must be paid in order to do so.

    One Year Adjustable Rate Mortgages:

    A mortgage loan in which the interest rate changes based on a specific schedule after a “fixed period” at the beginning of the loan, is called an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM. This type of loan is considered to be riskier because the payment can change significantly. In exchange for the risk associated with an ARM, the homeowner is rewarded with an interest rate lower than that of a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. When the homeowner acquires a one year adjustable rate mortgage, what they have is a 30 year fixed rate mortgage in which the rates change every year on the anniversary of the loan.

    However, obtaining a one-year adjustable rate mortgage can allow the customer to qualify for a loan amount that is higher and therefore acquire a more valuable home. Many homeowners with extremely large mortgages can get the one year adjustable rate mortgages and refinance them each year. The low rate lets them buy a more expensive home, but they pay a much lower mortgage payment.

    The loan is considered to be rather risky because the payment can change from year to year in significant amounts.

    10/1 Adjustable Rate Mortgages:

    The 10/1 Arm has an initial interest rate that is fixed for the first ten years of the loan. After the 10 years is up, the rate then adjusts each year for the remainder of the loan. The loan has a life of 30 years, so the homeowner will experience the stability of a 30 year mortgage at a cost that is lower than a fixed rate mortgage of the same term. However, the ARM may not be the best choice for those planning on owning the same home for over 10 years.
    2-Step Mortgages

    An adjustable rate mortgage that has the same interest rate for part of the mortgage and a different rate for the rest of the mortgage is called a 2-step mortgage. The interest rate changes or adjusts in accordance to the rates of the current market. The borrower, on the other hand, might have the option of making the choice between a variable interest rate or a fixed interest rate at the adjustment date.

    Those borrowers who make the decision to take a two-step mortgage are taking the risk of the interest rate of the mortgage adjusting upward after the expiration of the fixed-interest rate period. Many borrowers who take the two-step mortgage have plans of refinancing or moving out of the home before the period ends.

    5/5 and 5/1 Adjustable Rate Mortgages:

    The 5/5 and the 5/1 adjustable rate mortgages are amongst the other types of ARMS in which the monthly payment and the interest rate does not change for 5 years. The beginning of the 6 th year is when every 5 years the interest rate is adjusted. That’s every year for the 5/1 ARM and every 5 years for the 5/5

    Other types of adjustable rate mortgages include the 5/5 and 5/1 ARMs. With these types, the interest rate and monthly payment remain the same for 5 years.
    Starting with the 6th year, the interest rate is adjusted every 5 years (for 5/5 ARM) and every year (for 5/1 ARM).

    These particular ARMs are best if the homeowner plans on living in the home for a period greater than 5 years and can accept the changes later on.

    5/25 Mortgages:

    The 5/25 mortgage is also called a “30 due in 5” mortgage and is where the monthly payment and interest rate do not change for 5 years. At the beginning of the 6 th year, the interest rate is adjusted in accordance to the current interest rate. This means the payment will not change for the remainder of the loan. This is a good loan if the homeowner can tolerate a single change of payment during the loan period.

    3/3 and 3/1 Adjustable Rate Mortgages:

    Mortgages where the monthly payment and interest rate remains the same for 3 years are called 3/3 and 3/1 ARMs. At the beginning of the 4 th year, the interest rate is changed every three years. That is 3 years for the 3/3 Arm and each year for the 3/1 ARM. This is the type of mortgage that is good for those considering an adjustable rate at the three-year mark.

    Balloon Mortgages:

    Balloon mortgages last for a much shorter term and work a lot like a fixed-rate mortgage. The monthly payments are lower because of a large balloon payment at the end of the loan. The reason why the payments are lower is because it is the interest that is being paid monthly. Balloon mortgages are great for responsible borrowers with the intentions of selling the home before the due date of the balloon payment. However, homeowners can run into big trouble if they cannot afford the balloon payment, especially if they are required to refinance the balloon payment through the lender of the original loan.